On behalf of the members, welcome to the Kansas Society Sons of the American Revolution website.

The members of the Kansas Society trace their linage to a Patriot of the American Revolution between the years of 1774 and 1783 and work collectively to uphold the values of patriotism, courage, sacrifice, and triumph of our ancestors.

By: Vernon Welkner, VP KSSSAR Compatriots, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Vernon Welkner and I am currently the Vice President for the Kansas State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. My wife, Linda, and I have been married since 1976 and we have four children and twelve grandchildren. We live […]

As the term of my office winds down the fruit basket is upset now on the national scene. It seems as though a manly duel would have been a better course that what we have witnessed most recently but it is what it is. Going forward it now is possibly the most important time in […]