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© 2020 Kansas Sons of the American Revolution
Welcome from the Kansas State President
On behalf of the members, welcome to the Kansas Society Sons of the American Revolution website.
The members of the Kansas Society trace their linage to a Patriot of the American Revolution between the years of 1774 and 1783 and work collectively to uphold the values of patriotism, courage, sacrifice, and triumph of our ancestors.
Passing The Torch
By: Vernon Welkner, VP KSSSAR Compatriots, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Vernon Welkner and I am currently the Vice President for the Kansas State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. My wife, Linda, and I have been married since 1976 and we have four children and twelve grandchildren. We live […]
Final Words as President
As the term of my office winds down the fruit basket is upset now on the national scene. It seems as though a manly duel would have been a better course that what we have witnessed most recently but it is what it is. Going forward it now is possibly the most important time in […]